It started on the Tuesday night (31st Jan) with a few pangs which seemed to be coming at more regular intervals
- by 12 pm i was on the phone to the maternity sister at the hospital who suggested i take a bath. After the bath the
contractions started coming at 5 minute intervals. I tried to sleep again but to no avail by 2 am we were on our
way to the hospital. The contractions weren't strong enough so after receiving a sleeping tablet, Peter left me at the
hospital. At 11 am i had some herbs to get the contractions a bit stronger and by 3 pm I was on a drip and the real
labour had started. I spent some time in the bath and some time walking around the hospital (much to the awe and amazement
of other patients) as well as some time on a gym ball concentrating on bearing down all the time. By 6pm i was 8cm dilated.
By 8pm I was 10 cm but my water had not broken. When the doc arrived he broke my water and I pushed until she came
out at 8:47pm. It was the best experience of my life and actually it wasn't all that painful!
Gen with Isabelle 12 hours old and Dad with her!!!